Sunday, 27 January 2013

Mini Ariadne - New Start!

I started Mini Ariadne this week from Heaven and Earth Designs.  I absolutely love the colours in this one and am really pleased with my progress.  There are quite a few gaps as I don't have all the colours but I am hoping they will arrive in time for her next outing out in my rotation.

Heaven and Earth Designs
Mini Ariadne
This is stitched on 18ct Magic Guide 2 x 1.  I have the large format chart as my poor eyes need all the help they can get.

I am going to stitch on my Lizzie Kate projects this week, Boo and Snow Belles, not sure which one yet though.

Until next time, happy stitching

Love Lesleyanne

Sunday, 20 January 2013

IHSW - January

So this weekend was the first International Hermit and Stitch Weekend of 2013.  In view of the amount of white stuff we have had, I decided to make the most of it and stay and stitch especially bearing in mind during the week I managed about fifty stitches.  I decided to continue with my QS Literate Dragon and this is how he looks as of tonight.

I am really pleased with my progress although I did deviate slightly to get away from the confetti for a bit of a break.

This week I am going to stitch my first ornament of 2013 and I may start my HAED Mini Ariadne.  I had started the regular Ariadne but after making a huge mistake and whilst unpicking said huge mistake I ripped my material I have decided to restart it but the Mini instead.  Luckily the most of the threads are used in the mini so not a lot of outlay needed.

I hope every one affected by the white stuff stays safe.

Until next time, happy stitching

Love Lesleyanne

Sunday, 13 January 2013

New Start / First Tusal of 2013

I have had another new start for 2013.  I joined the Heaven and Earth Bulletin Board's 2013 Freebie SAL.  The design I chose was the QS Literate Dragon as being the mum of two boys I thought this would be suitable for either of them when I eventually finish it.  The first picture is what it should look like when it is finished.

This is my first week's progress.  Not a lot compared to some I have seen on Facebook but I am quite pleased with it.  It is stitched on 18ct magic guide 2 x 1.  As it is a five week month this month I have decided to carry on with him for another week before putting him away until it is his turn again in my rotation.

Finally for today is my first Tusal report for 2013.  I am quite concerned about the amount of orts in my jar because of the amount of confetti in my dragon I think I may have been a bit generous when throwing away my orts so I can see that I might have to get more threads for him if I keep going at this rate lol.  If you want to join the Tusal, you can find out more at Daffycat's blog

Until next time, happy stitching.

Love Lesleyanne

Saturday, 5 January 2013

New Year/New Start/New SAL

Happy New Year to everyone.

I have lots to share so will get on with it.

Firstly it has become a bit of a tradition of mine to have a new start on 1st January every year.  This year whilst discussing this with my stitching sister, Angela, we decided to start a new SAL, our third one for this year lol.  We decided on Lizzie Kate's Snow Belles.  So on 1st January I duly started Snow Belles and have managed to get the first block done.  We are hoping to stitch a block a month.

Lizzie Kate Snow Belle
Ice Queen
Stitched on 14ct Blue Marble Aida using DMC threads

I am a bit disappointed that you can't see the words at the top very well so I might outline them but will wait and see how the others come out.

At the end of the year I emptied my ort jar which is also a bit of a tradition.  This is what it looked like on 31 December.  It is now ready for the 2013 Tusal which is run by Daffycat.  Pop over if you want to find out more details.

I also promised you pictures of the gorgeous Christmas gifts I received from Angela and Elaine and here there are.

Gift from Angela

Gift from Elaine
Next in my rotation is another new start from the HAED Bulletin Board 2013 SAL which I will show you next time.

Until next time, happy stitching

Love Lesleyanne

Tuesday, 1 January 2013