Thank you for your well wishes, I think I may be on the mend starting to feel a bit more like myself and wanting to stitch, always a good sign. I haven't made a lot of progress on Temptation this week so won't post a picture.
I have been making plans for my stitchy year - I have quite a few so you might want to skip this part but I like to put in writing so I can see how I do.
I have joined Sally,, and Lisa,, in the Little House Needleworks SAL. Sally is stitching Be Merry Belle Pepper and Lisa is stitching Winter Band Sampler and then are going to swap and stitch the new design. I have both of these and although I was going to wait until later in the year temptation got too much and I asked to join in lol. I will start this coming Wednesday although Sally and Lisa started on 1 February. I have got all the threads and will be stitching Be Merry Belle Pepper first of all and then later on Winter Band Sampler.
I hope to stitch LHN Simple Joys and A Bee C Sampler this year hopefully after I finish Temptation as they are quite spring like in colours and will be framed and put on my bedroom wall as they are the right colours.
I am hoping that I will be able to join Sally and Chris, if they let me lol, for the 1st December SAL and am hoping to stitch Lizzie Kate's Snowman 10 chart.
I also found out recently that my nephew and his wife expecting a baby boy in June so will be stitching a sampler for them, as I have done for their daughter and my other nephew's two children. My other nephew's girlfriend, I have three nephews, is also expecting at the end of August and so another sampler will be stitched. I think I am going to be quite busy this year. I have chosen Vervaco's Sweet Dreams Baby.
I also hope to stitch a Vervaco Flapper Girl sometime this year as well.
I think this should see me through to the end of the year lol but you never know my plans may change.
If you got to the end of this post, you have done well. Thank you.
Until next time, happy stitching
Lesleyanne xxx
You've picked out some great stitching choices for the year :) Glad to hear you are starting to feel better too!
Glad you're feeling better . Looking forward to seeing all your planned projects . Guess you're a Vervaco fan then ? lol .
Good luck with your stitching plans for the year
Vervaco is keeping your ORT jar happy, Lesleyanne. :D And it looks like more Vervacos is on the way! Can't wait to see!!! Good luck with all the stitching, have loads of fun with them. :D
Glad your feeling better Lesleyanne. Look forward to all these wonderful stitches in the coming months. Have fun!
I'm glad you're feeling better. Enjoyed reading through your TUSAL post and good luck on all of those samplers!
Lovely to read you're feeling better - great TUSAL
I saw Belle on Sally's blog and I really like it - have fun stitching it. Vervaco looks great. Glad you are on the mend1
Your family is growing! Babies are such a blessing :) Congratulations dear!!
Wow ~ lots of ORTs! A great TU update!
Glad you're feeling better and and great list of projects!!
I think it's much more fun to stitch a project with someone else :o)
Congratulations to your nephew and his wife!
Well done on your plans for the year, I just can't keep to plans, too many temptations!!
Happy Stitching
Chris x
Glad you're feeling better. That's quite an ambitious list you have for the year!
Glad you're starting to feel more like yourself.
Glad that you're joining the SAL with Sally and I, I'm just starting to get into WBS I think lol.
You have lots of stitching plans for the year lol, I have lots as well but know there is no way I can stitch everything I'd like to this year, so just going to take it as it comes.
glad your feeeling better Lesleyanne
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