Tuesday, 26 November 2013


Sorry I have been a bit quiet lately.  I was very busy stitching on my husband's logo trying to get it finished for his birthday.  I did!  It is now at the framers but I forgot to take a photograph before taking it there.
Once I get it back I will take a photo.

Once I finished the logo I got back to stitching Mini Be Good for Goodness Sake and have now finished another page.  I have three partial pages left but the next page is very confetti heavy so I think it might take a while.

Heaven and Earth Designs
Mini Be Good for Goodness Sake
I had last week off and managed to get my Christmas shopping done.  It is all wrapped and now I just have to write my Christmas cards.

Until next time, happy stitching

Love Lesleyanne


Linda said...

Congrats on finishing the logo Leseleyanne. Santa is looking great. What a gorgeous design.


Michelle said...

Well done on completing your husbands gift. Love your stitching its really looking nice - I just wrote my cards today and have the wrapping to do next week I think xx

Vickie said...

Ack! You are so organized and ahead! Now I feel really behind.

Carol said...

Oh, your Santa is looking amazing, Lesleyanne! And I look forward to seeing the finish for your husband--I'll bet he's excited!

Jane said...

Santa's looking great, it would be lovely if you could get it finished in time for Christmas.
Well done for getting all your Christmas shopping out of the way so soon, can you do mine now!
Have a good week xx

Sara said...

Santa's looking good and just in time too:)

Brigitte said...

Congratulations on finsihing the birthday gift for your husband. And oh, what a great project your HAED Santa is. Nice progress.

StitchyDon said...

I love the Santa project, good luck with the confetti !!!

The Knitting Cross Stitcher said...

Your HAED is looking lovely,and congratulaions on your logo finish

Dani - tkdchick said...

Congrats on getting your hubby's gift done! I look forward to seeing it framed!

Wow that Beard is going to be a pain to stitch isn't it?

cucki said...

Aww Santa is looking so lovely
Big hugs x

SoCal Debbie said...

Santa looks great! Good for you for finishing hubby's gift on time. I'm amazed you have your Christmas shopping done and are sending cards already! You're a wonder-woman!

♥ Nia said...

Ohhhh! Beautiful work!! :D

Jan Gartlan said...

What a beautiful Santa! I hope you can power through it but can understand that confetti stitches might slow you up.

Christine said...

You're very organiosed!
Love the Santa

Shebafudge said...

Congratulations on the finish. I look forward to seeing it. Santa is looking great :)

The Crafty Princess said...

Holy Christmas Batgirl! I haven't even got my to do list completed yet! That's great that you are so organised. Jealous!!! Santa looking amazing too, good luck with the next page.
Alicia xo

Bekca said...

Well done you for being so organised on the Christmas front! My presents are half bought and half wrapped, need to get my sewing machine out to finally finish a few of them :) Great stitching, I can't wait to see your framed piece.
Best wishes.

Hazel said...

Wow he is coming along just nicely! x

Babs said...

It looks beautiful. Reminds me that I still have a haed aswell to work on.

Love, Babs